An Online Software Solution by Tansarc.
COS (Computers op School) is an independent professional magazine for innovative education and ICT. COS is published 10 times annually. Nine times in a print of 4.300 copies and once, in September, in a print of 22.500 copies. The target groups of COS are ICT interested persons involved in primary and secondary schools and teachers in edutation. Besides this, COS also offers educative tips for teachers to use software in a practical and educative way. More information about COS can be found on the COS-Online website (in Dutch).
Scouting Nederland, the Dutch National Scout Association, publishes five separate Scouting Magazines. Youth members receive Beverpost, Scouty, Flitz or iXiXeL. Leaders, regional and national volunteers receive Scouts Info. The Scouting Magazines are published four times annually in a total print of 120.000 copies. More information about Scouting Magazine can be found at Scouting Nederland (in Dutch).
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